
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Painting With a Knife

An artist friend of mine, Karen Winters, posted an all palette knife painting on her blog yesterday and it was lovely! I am not sure how many artists out there use a knife, but I think Brent Jensen and CW Mundy use them. Let me know if you know of more!
A collector asked me the other day why I paint with a palette knife. I actually can't remember how I started working with the knife but I can tell you that I love the thick paint, edges and impressionistic feel that comes with a palette knife.


  1. I can't blame you for not wanting to sell this one!
    Camille Przewodek and Lois Griffel are knife users, too...both have wonderfully textured surfaces. To me Griffel's are almost dense and crusty...they're fantastic.

  2. Oh wow - this is one of my favorites of all the paintings you've posted here! I love it.

  3. Thanks for the mention, Leslie. Yes, it was enjoyable painting with knife. I'm going to have to try some flowers or dogs and cats and other things and see how it handles with a more defined subject. I felt like I was cheating a bit with the clouds since I didn't have to be "too" careful!

    Gorgeous rooster - he's really strutting his stuff!

  4. This is WONDERFUL!! (as always)... I would really LOVE to learn how to control the knife work... (Do you give lessons.)... Actually I have so much other stuff to work on it's probably not my first priority, but each time I look at your work, I drool over it. I have a painting I bought in Arizona from Michael Maczuga who uses a knife masterfully... Oh I ache to achive that kind of look!!
    Funny I had forgotten you know Karen. She and some other friends spent some time at the Pasadena Museum of History looking at their current exhibit WHICH IS FABULOUS! Go see it if you haven't seen it already!

  5. Karen,
    I am so thrilled that you chose to try an all knife painting. And you did not "cheat" with clouds ... anything is tricky with a palette knife!

  6. Ben,
    Thanks for you comments about my rooster. I think I have to agree with you. I won;t sell it because I don't know if I will master the knife that well for a long time. I just got lucky with this one!

  7. Marian,
    You are so talented that I am sure you could figure out the palette knife all by yourself! We should paint together sometime and you can even help me with a brush, my dear! I can't say that I can even remember how to paint with one! I went to Michael's website - I can't tell which paintings are painted with a palette knife. He is incredibly talented.
    I will try to get over to the Pasadena Museum of History. Thanks for the tip!

  8. Hi Leslie.
    I see Karen has tagged you and I found your site through that. What great paintings! I too am a knife painter. I love the warm/cool color notes on this rooster. I also love the little boat painting you did about a week back or so as a gift? Stellar piece. I'm so happy to have found your site.

  9. Hi Leslie, I love your palette knife work and this in particular is a very strong work The colors are exquisite!!!!! Your "negative" shape colors are just as compelling as your rooster, but in a neutralized way. Brava!

  10. Wonderful paintings, Leslie !!! You are an inspiration!
    I visit your blog most every day. So happy to see you are planning a palette knife workshop this year. I hope to be there.

    Julie Reagan, Lafayette LA
