
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Fifteen Down and Maybe Only 14 More To Go ...

I stayed up until 3:00am last night (or this morning) because I was on a roll and the paintings were turning out really well. I can paint one of these paintings in less than an hour and I am so comfortable painting boats ... of course that is why I chose the theme! I have finished 15 and it is only 1:00 in the afternoon so I hope to finish another eight more today. My son's team won their CIF game yesterday so we have to drive to Lancaster on Friday for the quarterfinals which will limit my painting time ...
A few of you commented about drying time so I went on line this morning and ordered thirty 6 1/2" x 6 1/2" clear plastic flat boxes that I will put all of the paintings in before I place them on the table. I am so excited to give these away on Saturday night! It will be a great way for me to share something with my dearest friends. My husband also says that we have a few friends that can't attend so it looks like I won't need 32! Yippee. Maybe only 29 couples will be there. Maybe I will paint one for those who can't come ... but they will have to get them at a later date!


  1. wow these are terrific! I cant get over how hard you must be working for this goal! You are a marathon painter! Great job, they are so nice!

  2. Looks graet wonderful idea and hard work too.
    You are a special person Leslie.

  3. Sandra & Irit - I think I am in a "haze" as I attempt to fnisch this project. Thirty paintings in four days is crazy ... I know ... but I hope I can get them all done! Back to painting!

  4. Okay everyone,
    Send vibes of endurance Leslies way. I'd like to see one pic of all of the paintings together. (Not that I need proof or anything like that.) I'd just like to see it. Daunting task you have embarked on. And everyone of them looks fantastic, I'm sure.

  5. Oh, By the way, That looks like a woman in her 30's there for your profile pic. I'm just saying...

  6. I promise I will post a pic of all of them ... and I do have to confess .., the photo is quite old. I look MUCH OLDER in real life! Of course I will look even older once I finish all of these paintings.

  7. Oh, my gosh! I am so impressed! You are one dedicated friend--how fortunate your loved ones are--and the paintings are great, too!

  8. Leslie, this is fantastic! What a great goal to be striving for. The paintings have a real charm and elegant beauty about them.
    Tony Moffitt from 'Art World'

  9. Love the one on top.....can I be your adopted friend :))

  10. Go, Leslie--go, Leslie! But, it doesn't seem as if you need a cheerleader. The paintings are wonderful, and your friends are so lucky! Happy Birthday, Leslie!

  11. I was wondering about driying time myself! Well, it looks like you will achieve your goal although I am still in awe that you are doing this and THEN TAKING THE TIME TO POST ABOUT IT!

  12. It's worth it if you (we) look older for the painting's sake!
    As I write this you're probably almost done...crazy! and so impressive. :)

  13. Now THAT is a great idea. My 40th is approaching......I have more time to prepare......hmm. I'm certain your friends will be floored, and what a peraonla and meaningful gift. At a crazy-busy time of year!!!

  14. That would be "personal," not peraonla! Oh, you can tell I'm sleep-deprived!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Your paintings are so colorful and full of life.

    As someone who works mainly in (S-L-O-W) colored pencil, I can't even imagine getting that many paintings done in that amount of time! I wish!!
