
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Don't Look, Just Listen

Birthday Boat #22
I have started training for the Avon Breast Cancer walk and morning walks are becoming part of my regular routine. So far it has been easy, we did five miles on Saturday and only three this morning. (Rumor has it that we will be up to twenty mile walks soon ...) One of my girlfriends (who is also a buyer of my art!) is one of our leaders and she pointed out the most interesting phenomena this morning. She asked me to stand underneath one of the many blooming jacarandas and said "listen". I was astounded as I heard the humming sound of bees ... it was simply amazing. So peaceful and soothing! All of these years I have been in awe of the beauty of these blooming purple trees and yet I never took the time to stop and listen. As I walked home I stopped under every jacaranda and sure enough, the humming could be heard every time.


  1. That's lovely!
    (We call those trees the same around here, in Peru, also the tree of the castanets...)

  2. That is a beautiful reminder for us all. :)

  3. Oh - we have them here in Florida too. Aren't they incredible?? My favoritest of favorite colors; especially with the green foliage and the whitish trunk. I never have stood underneath one though, but it's on my list of things to do tomorrow for sure!

    How I wish I could join ya'll in your walks - sounds wonderful.

    And your painting is very elegant, design, color, lines.... everything!

  4. I was a training partner for my sister who went on the walk, she said it was a wonderful experience.
    I really love this painting...really beautiful!

  5. I love this painting, the background middle and foreground are nicely indicated too. I know what you mean about stopping and enjoying the often overlooked wonders on a walk...but it will be the bee's fault for lowering your heartrate....he he he

  6. Beautiful painting. It really is nice to stop and listen sometimes. good reminder.
    Hurray for you for doing the walk. I'm a 4-year survivor! :-)

  7. Como voce amo pintar, e adorei seu estilo, as cores,enfim, achei ótimo encontrar seu blog.

  8. That is so cool! (trees, bees)

    Love how full-frontally bold this composition is. It works.

    How long of a walk is it that you'll be doing?
