
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hit the Road

Boats #12
Oil, 6" x 6", on canvas panel
This painting is sold.
I am heading out of town for a week and I have my paints and palette knives all packed. First I am off to a baseball tournament in Phoenix with my middle son and then I fly to Hawaii with a client for an inspection trip. I will paint while I am gone, I will paint while I am gone, I will paint while I am gone ...


  1. If anyone can paint 'on the road,' it's you Leslie! Safe and fun travels.

  2. Have a wonderful trip, and I know you will be inspired in Hawaii. What a paradise to capture!

  3. Leslie, beautiful work and welcome to the Daily Painters Gallery!

  4. How will you travel with wet oils?

  5. Beautiful painting. I'm curious how you paint the fine lines for rigging on top of the thick green paint of the background trees. Your lines look so clean, I'd make a mess of it. Any advice you cna share?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Leslie, I absolutely adore your sailboats! My young son is staying with his grandparents this week so that my dad can teach him the fine art of sailing. I love the blue sails with the sage green background in particular. Any chance you will do something similar for sale in the near future?
    (Sorry, I deleted it the first time because I had typos I couldn't live with!) :)

  8. I love the colors and the textures. I love the blues, the greens and the touch of pink. Great!

  9. Shirley,
    I travel with water based oils which makes it so much easier! I also bring a wet panel carrier which helps keep the paintings protected as they dry ...

  10. Joe,
    One of the wonderful benefits of paintng with a palette knife are the great lines you can paint with the edge of the knife. One of my favorite thigs to do is finish up a painting with some detail. Usually the detail comes form the edge of the knife!

  11. Thanks Leslie, but I'd still make a mess of those fine lines, even using the knife edge. The line would either be too thick, too uneven in width, or too blended into the paint below. I know, I just need more practice. Love your work!

  12. Sounds like a fun time - I look forward to seeing paintings of Hawaii!
