
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Early Sunday Afternoon

"Early Sunday Afternoon"
Oil, 6" x 6" on canvas panel.

I went and saw the movie "Julie and Julia" today. I read the book five years ago and I remember at the time thinking to myself "what is a blog?". I feel a bit like the character Julie in the movie when I think of how much my life has changed this year. And it is really due in large part to my blog.
When I sat down last December and created my blog "Painting is my Passion" I did it because I wanted to paint more. I decided to create a blog to make myself paint (and post) at least five paintings a week. When you consider that in 2008 I had only painted a total of 25 paintings, this was a pretty lofty goal. But I felt like I needed to try something radical to see if I should take my art more seriously.
Here I am ten months later. And my how things have changed! I have posted 157 paintings on my blog and sold 61 paintings so far this year. I even send out a monthly newsletter to 527 contacts, many of whom I still had never met. How odd to think that none of this would have happened had it not been for my blog!
So thank you to all of you who have encouraged me, said nice things about even my paintings that weren't that great (oh yes, I know which ones those are) and of course, thanks to those of you who have purchased my paintings. What a difference this year has made! I am now officially what one might call "an artist"! Thanks to you!


  1. So proud of you! It is great to set goals and meet them with such dedication. I am always inspired when I visit your blog!

  2. Leslie, you deserve congratulations! Not only on your light-filled paintings like this one, but on this entire achievement! I can totally relate--this is quite "something"!

  3. Leslie, I love the brushwork in these paintings! It creates a sense of movement. You say so much with so little. Just beautiful.

  4. Deb Kennedy, BostonOctober 1, 2009 at 8:03 AM

    Leslie -
    I so enjoy your work and am greatly encouraged by your effort. As a long-time painter, I attempted a blog some time ago but ran out of steam when I returned to work. Your enthusiasm is contagious and I congratulate you on your success!
