
Friday, December 4, 2009

Friday Afternoon

"Friday Afternoon"
Oil, 6" x 6" on canvas panel.

TGIF. I think. It's been one of those weeks. I have a ton of paintings to finish and I am still cooking for our party next weekend. Did I mention we expect about 170 people and I am making all of the food? We have done this party for 24 years and we keep making (and thus inviting) more friends! And I have to cook the food ... otherwise I think my friends would kill me! So ... here's to a weekend of spending time in the studio and kitchen! Wait ... do you think I could cook and paint at the same time? Never mind ... probably not a good idea to poison our guests.


  1. I hope you get a boat and a bottle of wine for Christmas - clearly big interests.

  2. Well now that it's Sun, how did the party go? hee hee I like the idea of painting and cooking at the same time! Now that's a thought.

  3. I can't imagine that your friends would complain about a caterer if it meant more of your beautiful paintings! Although, if you are like me, you may enjoy cooking as much as you enjoy painting. I'm not sure I could do them both at the same time. I am always impressed with how you handle so much on your plate. You are my hero!

  4. I love this one, with the orange and red. It reminds me of being moored off Sand Island in Casco Bay.

    As to painting and cooking, I have tried it (well, it happened sort of absentmindedly...) and I think your instincts are right, these tasks are best alternated. Best wishes on your party, I'm sure it will be wonderful.

  5. I have just discovered your wonderful blog and I am going to sign up as a follower!! I adore your bright vibrant color pallette
    and I am so enamored of your big brush stroke style!! LOVE IT!!!
    I am a mixed media artist and I have been taking some lessons in water color and I am so in love with art like you create. I will stick to my kind of art and admire and hopefully collect the gloriousness that you create. We can't all do it all!!

    Cooking for 170- all by yourself??? Yikes you are a glutton for punishment!!! You must be an awesome cook to have all of your pals expect it!!
    Happy Holidays to you!!
    I will be back to visit often!!
