
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Holiday Bloom

"Holiday Bloom"
Oil, 6" x 6" on canvas panel.

I took a well deserved break from the kitchen today and painted this little one, while enjoying Christmas carols playing loudly in the background! I absolutely love this time of year (but not the week before our party) and the short break was a good reminder to stop and enjoy the season!
My oldest just finished his last final for his first quarter in college and I remember that feeling ... maybe I will feel a little bit of that on Sunday morning? I hope so!


  1. Love this one!! Such a striking painting/ there is no second guessing here!

  2. Although I always love your sailboats, these non-boat paintings are among my favorites...

    I've probably mentioned several times that I enjoy looking at your work "close up"... Really fun!!

    Happy holidays, Leslie!!

  3. A beautiful pointsettia Leslie! Love the colours - so vibrant!

  4. Love your paintings
    and Merry Christmas!!!

  5. Hello to everyone! just a note to say that within the last few weeks I have had the wonderful oportunity to see Leslie's beautiful work in person, at the Segil Gallery and at her studio...and WOW! her work is phenomenal in person (the computer screens dont do them justice)...the pallette knife work, the shapes, and colors are just magnficent. I want one or two!

  6. Love the colors in this, your colors are always great!

  7. Wonderful! You nailed the composition and the color is marvelous. I love the red bracts, the background leaves, and the cluster of flowers, I love it all!

    And thanks for the statcounter advice, that thing is awesome.
