
Friday, January 8, 2010

The Middle Child

"The Middle Child"
Oil, 6" x 8" on canvas panel.
$350 framed.

The title of this painting has a special meaning to me. My maiden name is "Byrd" and I am one of five children, placed right in the middle. When I was growing up I made it well know known that was the "neglected middle child". This was, of course, a complete joke. I grew up in an incredibly loving family and I still consider my siblings as my closest friends. As a kid I was given every opportunity imaginable ... ballet lessons, tap lessons, jazz lessons, singing lessons, acting lessons, piano lessons, sewing classes, cooking classes, ayso soccer, swim team, basketball, volleyball and high jump! Needless to say, I was a far cry from the "neglected middle child".
When I saw this painting I knew had to paint it. I did, however, take the liberty of changing the backwards "middle bird" to a bright red instead of a very pale off-white!
So ... did anyone notice that with all those lessons I took when I was a kid ... none of them were art lessons?


  1. Did notice that there were no art lessons amongst that lot oh hard-done-by-middle-child! Lovely painting.

  2. perhaps you were suppressing your brilliant side all those years...and just now unleashing your gifted artistic side!!!!have a great weekend!

  3. But they WERE art lessons, Leslie!!... just not VISUAL art lessons....

    Love learning more about you and what makes you the special person you are. AND...............
    you KNOW I just love your non-boat paintings even more than your boat paintings...
    Beautiful work, middle child!!

  4. Leslie!

    I just adore the red in this!!


  5. Hmmm. The middle bird has decided to take in a whole different view of life...and she's not a shy bird wearing all that red. I would say she's a pretty confident bird. All those lessons taught her she could do-be anything she wanted. I am glad she chose artist...:)This painting is definitely for the Byrds....

  6. I was wondering about that! No art lessons! But the creativity seeped in...

    I like these 'outside the box' ones! So good to stretch!

  7. This is a wonderful piece!...your art is sooo very inspiring. I love your blog!

  8. Very clever title - terrific painting.
    My husband is a middle child - but he would be the muted color one - not the flamboyant, take-notice-of-me one.
