
Monday, May 17, 2010

Is it Just Me? - SOLD

"At the Beach"
Oil, 6" x 6" on canvas panel.
I feel like I am back to normal today. For the past three months I have been absolutely crazed with my show at SoPas Gallery and so many other "art related" happenings.  Fortunately, starting this morning, I think my "crazed life as an artist" is behind me. I can breathe and not feel the stress that has been in my studio for the past few months.  I do have some new goals for myself and on top of the list is to get more sleep. And I so hope that this "new life as a less stressed artist" will last more than a week!
So here is my question. Is it always this stressful being an artist? Or is it just me?


  1. First of all..I saw this painting in person..its a great summer beach house addition. Second of is what we make it...what we take on, what we say "no" to...

  2. I think the answer is yes. But wouldn't it be stressful in almost any other career? I'd rather a be stressed artist than anything else. At least we have fun doing.

  3. glorious color, glorious composition ... and enjoy the stress! it lets you know youre alive ... what, you just want to watch breakfast television all your life instead, ha ha??

  4. Leslie,
    I often look at your blog and lovely paintings. Reading your words today prompted me to write a reply.
    It’s a little sad that to choose an artist life, where we should be quiet, at one with one’s self and creative….. that we (as artists) have to wear many hats and be part of the marketing money making machine. Unfortunately we have to, if we are serious about making some beans from selling our work or desire some notoriety.
    When I had a solo show (joint really with my husband) earlier this year, I was stressed for months…. framing, writing publicity material etc. I even had to sell some of my jewellery to pay for frames. We do what it takes…but my one big lesson from this is that I will now only paint what I like to paint, am not so concerned anymore about the good opinion of others, and am pulling back from the whole marketing thing.
    When I lived in South Florida and the economy was booming I couldn’t keep up with the amount of work I sold…these days it’s much quieter for sales (for me at lest), but I have also found that selling and having my work ‘out there’ in shows and societies is not my main focus anymore.
    My work and sanity is better for it, if not my pocket book! I guess it’s all about balance, and not over extending ourselves with always saying yes to demos, shows, juried competitions etc. …and not judging ourselves by what other artists are doing in the marketing mix.
    Balance and having enough quiet time to think and paint…. and to enjoy that process of creativity to the fullest.

  5. Lovely beach chair! I could sit down and put my toes in the sand.

    I find getting ready for a show both exciting and stressful. Sometimes I put more stress on myself because I think I have more time to get things finished than I really do. Retreating and resting afterwards helps. It's all good if you look at the big picture.

  6. Love the beach chair! Love your blog and visit most every day. I so admire your paintings. Breathe easy now, paint what you like (more flowers, maybe?) and enjoy your talent... All the best, Julie Reagan, Lafayette LA

  7. I think it is...usually stressful, that is...because it's always and only up to us to keep pushing ourselves, both in the studio and in the marketing arena.

  8. Lelsie--glad you are taking some time to refuel...:) Love this beach chair painting--wish I was sitting in it...after it dries, of course..:) And I love your new look on the blog with your logo--EXCELLENT!

  9. Leslie bonjour,
    Je crois que nous, artistes, sommes en permanence stressés.
    Nous le sommes si nous ne créons pas, nous le sommes pendant et nous le sommes pendant une exposition. Ce processus est sans cesse renouvelé.
    Ce stress fait partie de nous et nous régénère...
    En attendant je vous souhaite des heures de repos bien méritées, peut-être face à la mer assise sur une aussi magnifique chaise que celle de votre peinture.

  10. Gorgeous color and yummy, thick paint.
