
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Trio Waiting

"A Trio Waiting"
Oil, 6" x 6" on canvas panel.
$250 framed.
Today was one of those days in which I felt productive but didn't get much done. I kept trying to get up to my studio but was dealing with the "aftermath" of the moth infestation (it's a long story ... but a beautiful oriental rug is now in the trash and a "fogger bomb" has fortunately led to the subsequent death of about 1,000 moths ...). My studio is all clean and and back to normal. And no one was poisoned in the process. Except for the moths of course ...
I am still getting ready for the Balboa Artwalk this Sunday. Still need more paintings so maybe I can have another "four painting" day tomorrow? Not likely!


  1. Quels beaux bateaux avec de si belles couleurs ! Comme dans la chanson : "Maman les petits bateaux qui vont sur l'eau ont-ils des jambes?...mais oui petit nigaud s'ils n'en avaient pas ils n'avanceraient pas..."
    J'adore, bonne journée.

  2. I wish you a very productive day tomorrow ....have you been following the conversation on FB amongst us fellow "Virtual Art Colony" members? Its a hoot! (get it?)

  3. Oh can you paint and host radio program (9:00 tomorrow morning) at same, I bet you could!

  4. Wow, the color in this painting is stunning!

    Glad you triumphed over the moths...

  5. awful moth story! Todays painting is classic you....beautiful work!

  6. Leslie, How are you taking/displaying wet paintings at the show?

  7. Pam - I am going to use Randy Higbee's "floater frames". These frames are priced really well and allow you to "drop in" the painting. I will show them to you on Sunday at the Balboa show but they work great for wet paintings!

  8. Well this one is a GREAT start!!
    Good luck this weekend!! It should be great weather which will bring the crowds out and put them all in a good mood!! ;o)

  9. Beautiful Colors! Great job on the reflections.

  10. Thanks everyone for your kind comments. I will try to post a photo of this painting framed as I LOVE the new floater frames from Randy Higbee at Art & Frame Co. they are amazing!
