
Friday, June 18, 2010

The Best Things Come in Wrapped Packages

My dear artist friend Dreama Tolle Perry called me the other day with an idea that "gift packaging" our paintings might be a good idea. I had always thought that I packaged my paintings pretty well before ... but after I talked to Dreama I realized this could be a wonderful free service we should offer.
Of course I live in Pasadena (and Dreama lives in Kentucky). So within a few hours I had already been to the Container Store, Kelley Paper and the wholesale ribbon store. Dreama, on the other hand, was pretty much still in Kentucky without a lot of resources nearby.
So ... even though I have already started shipping "gift wrapped" paintings and I now have a complete new "wrapping and mailing" center in my studio ... Dreama is still in Kentucky with limited resources.
My point is ... it was her idea. So technically, she should be the one with the nicely gift wrapped paintings. So please everyone, remember Dreama gets ALL OF THE credit for my new "Gift wrapping" serivce!


  1. Awesome way to send your paintings to their new home. Love the way they look.

  2. What a great idea, even though it is Dreama's idea.

  3. Thanks Carol. And yes Becky ... I feel very guilty that I had the resources to put this all in place EVEN THOUGH IT WAS DREAMA'S IDEA.

  4. The packages look great....please send supplies...I am still in Kentucky....with no resources. Not even shoes. That's why I can't even do paintings of shoes like Kim from Canada does. No resources.

  5. It is a lovely presentation, Leslie... as if someone needs MORE incentives to buy your artwork...
    or Dreama's for that matter.

  6. Between the two of you...the Art World will never be the same. Well done again for another wonderful idea!

  7. Thank you, Thank you to Leslie and Dreama! I've been wrapping paintings to ship for... ever... but, duh!, never thought to put that on the blog. I've got one ready to mail out right now... I'm on my way to get a snap and post it. Thank you girls - an inspiration, as always!

  8. Ohh, that's such a gorgeous presentation. What a great idea!
