
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Free Birthday Giveaway - Day #2

"Rooster VII"
Oil, 8" x 16" on canvas panel.
Available at Gale's Restaurant.

Wow. I must say after receiving all of your lovely comments yesterday I am feeling very loved! I went to and did my drawing and congrats Kelley Sanford. You have won the notecards!
Today's free gift is kind of fun. Most of you know that I sell prints of my artwork on My storefront is here. Today's lucky winner will be able to select any print (and there are 103 paintings to choose from!) up to a 24" x 24" size ($60.00 value!). I will order it for the winner and have it shipped directly to you. So, comment on this blog post today to be eligible and the lucky winner will be announced tomorrow morning!

Don't forget to join us for blog talk radio this morning. If you would like to join us live for today's show "Artists Helping Artists", dial (646)915-9243 (every Thursday) at 9:00 a.m. PST.

The painting above was just completed and it will be in the "Animals Show" at Gale's Restaurant in Pasadena which opens next week!


  1. Woaaa???? The giving just keeps getting better!

  2. A lot that you are giving. I just wanted to tell you that I have enjoyed your blog radio. Good job!

  3. Now doesn't he just look like the proud cock! (am I allowed to say that in Blogville?)

  4. Ahh Leslie--what a fine rooster--I am thinking all the chicks are thinking he's a long tall drink of water...:) Love the format! And great job on Rooster VII! Happy Birthday!!! I am guessing we are supposed to tell you that everyday until the big day!!

  5. I love roosters and you certainly captured his "cockiness". How many birthday celebrations are you planning? It's looking like a good week for your followers. Thanks for the notecards. I'm excited.

  6. I enjoyed our online chat today. Have listened to your Blog Talk radio for the first time.

  7. I'd love to be included in the drawing!!

  8. Oh my, that is generous of you Leslie, throw my name in the hat!
    Beautiful color in this guy, I like the format of this piece too.

  9. He's a wonderfully handsome guy and I think he knows it! The colors are beautiful and he looks good on that tall canvas!

    Of course, I would LOVE to win a print so put my name in!!

  10. I LOVE your roosters! What other animals - another cow? he was wonderful? let's go have lunch at gale's next week! - ml

  11. Leslie, What a proud bird he is and the format is perfect. I have my fingers crossed that I am lucky enough to win one of your stunning prints.

  12. Have a super 'birthday week'!! (I like celebrations stretched out too!!).

  13. You are a very generous person! Thank you thank you thank you!!! I love the way you work with colors and seeing your brushstrokes!

  14. Love your Mr Rooster.
    He he so proud of himself.
    Good luck in the show.
