
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Please help me name this painting! - SOLD

"Please give me a name ..."
Oil, 6" x 6"

So, I painted this painting today and was in the mood to use bright colors. Now, I know I am in a "bright colors" mood practically every day but if you could see the "inspiration photo" which was a VERY gloomy day, you might get what I mean! The only problem is ... this painting needs a title! There are those days ... and today is one of them ... when the creative side of me is GONE and I just can't be clever. I even took this issue to the experts ... my boys ... and the best they came up with were "Two Boats" and "Lemon and Orange". Hmmm ... boring!
Whoever comes up with the best name for this painting will win a package of note cards (and my shipment of new notecards just arrived a few minutes ago!). So please ... help!
I also wanted to mention I just had a wonderful lunch with two blogging buddies ... Laurie Allee, who takes amazing photographs and posts them on Glimpses of South Pasadena and Kathy Watson who has a great blog and will soon be featuring daily photos from Mammoth, CA. If you recall, Laurie's photos have served as a great inspiration for many of my South Pasadena paintings and today was our first chance to meet! We had a great time and thanks Kathy for putting this lunch together!


  1. Nice cheery painting. How about WATERCOLORS?

  2. Hmmm...."Sisters" I like or "Takin' the Day Off".

    When do we get to see some of you big paintings posted here?? Would love to see some of the commissions you have been doing--with a body beside it for scale...:))

  3. How about 'Shoulder to Shoulder' or 'Cheek to Cheek'? They certainly seem to be 'Snuggled Up' nice and close!

  4. My thoughts on this one were, It is always nice to feel close. But I think there are other suggestions better than mine. I love the use of colour I am going to follow this blog in the hope of seeing more.

  5. Kissing
    Waiting for wind
    This painting will look great on your wall

    Just a few suggestions :)

  6. I had a thought, but many are better than mine. I love Sugar Boats!

  7. You might be too young to get this ..but I instantly saw the title as "The Bobbsie Twins"

  8. "Happy together"
    "Forever sail"
    "No two are alike"

  9. Love this painting, such color - wonderful. Only 2 names I can come up with are
    "No Gloom Here" and
    "Nothing Gloomy about it".

  10. Well, here are a few more!

    Waiting for Godot
    Morning Colors
    Traveling Along
    Over the Rainbow
    Harbor Lights

    A really great picture, and you have made me think more about the

    importance of a title.


  11. You've got so many great choices now! I was thinking "Just the Two of Us". I struggle with this myself. Jennifer:)

  12. I would rather call it MINE !!! LOL & it wouldn't even have to have a name. they certainly have some good ideas..Very beautiful painting...

  13. Another great paintings, Leslie.
    How about 'Saeta Siesta'
