
Monday, June 28, 2010

Summer Reflections

"Summer Reflections"
Oil, 6" x 6" on canvas panel.
$200 unframed with easel display.
Looking at this painting you might think I was having a "blue day" ... but actually my day has been wonderful. I am in Sacramento with one of my sons preparing for one of two baseball camps that he (oops ... I mean "we") are attending. It's hot but a great summer day ... baseball, hotdogs, apple pie and ... my lexus hybrid!
Hopefully I can find time to paint tomorrow between innings. Who knows as I have no idea what to expect. Other than the fact I am going to wish my son good luck on the baseball field! And hope that we can survive the heat ... it's 100 degrees at 6:00 am in the morning!


  1. The boat in the lower right hand corner is just fab! Have fun!

  2. "Summer Reflections" is of the best. And your blog looks great, Leslie, very informative and not too busy. 5.0 out of 5 stars.

  3. Sounds like our weather this past week...think of this beautiful cool blue while you're in the heat and it may help cool you down. Lovely colors always and I'm a big fan of all blues!

  4. Very nice, Leslie. I've actually seen a dusk that looked pretty blue.

  5. Nice painting. Loving the "blues". Good luck with what sounds like a busy week.

  6. Leslie,
    What blue is that? It is so vivid.

  7. It's a really nice painting, Leslie...
    Have fun with your son!

  8. Profitez au maximum avec votre fils et réjouissez-vous de ce partage...
    j'ai vu pour la première fois un match de baseball lors de ma récente visite aux Etats-Unis à Portland les "Sea dogs" ! Ils avaient gagné...
    J'ai beaucoup aimé ce sport qui en France est très peu reconnu.
    Bonne peinture aussi! Bises
