
Friday, July 30, 2010

Mission and Meridian - SOLD

"Mission and Meridian"
Oil, 6" x 8" on canvas panel.

There is an adorable coffee and ice cream shop in town called "Busters" ... and the building really symbolizes the small town charm of South Pasadena. I painted this yesterday (yeah ... no summer reruns!) for a new friend who is moving out of town ... I hope she likes it. The colors in the building really are this yummy!
Although South Pasadena has 25,000 residents it really does have a sense of Mayberry RFD. What an incredible town to raise a family! I am blessed!


  1. You have some really cool looking buildings in town! Love that contemporary hot pink on the 1920's store front. I'm sure your friend is thrilled with this beauty!

  2. I agree... Buster's is a wonderful place.

    I painted the inside once... It has great coffee and goodies.... Perhaps I should write off all of the goodies and coffee as research..

  3. All I know about Pasedena is the song "The Little Old Lady From Pasadena" - and I can't fathom why that title would make such a popular song! 25,000 is a perfect size, and this is such a nice painting to give to someone who has to leave! How generous, and how lucky she is!

  4. I really like your new paintings! I've always loved Pasadena for its charm. It's a very nice place and I bet it would be a great place to raise a family. I grew up in Redondo Beach which was pretty nice too. Things have changed a lot since then, though. Jennifer:)
