
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

On Vacation

"On Vacation"
Oil, 6" x 6" on museum quality canvas panel.
$200 with display easel.
Sorry it has been so long since my last post. But we are at the beach on vacation and I haven't had a lot of time to paint. My husband and I are here with about 15 boys (ok, young men) and we are having a blast! The volleyball games are wonderful and the beach is stunning. So clear and sunny and warm ... I love it.
I painted this one this afternoon and hope to start a Balboa themed one after dinner.  We were on a boat last night and saw lots of whales. I have taken about 200 pictures down here so I have lots of photo references for more paintings!  Gotta go ... time to cook dinner for 17 hungry boys ... I mean men!


  1. as always, fab boats!

  2. Enjoy your vacation! Sounds like there will be lots of exciting new works coming from what you've seen!! You always get more done than 20 people- and continue to amaze me! Have fun- I look forward to your new paintings! :-)

  3. Gorgeous, Leslie..
    So glad you're having a great time!

  4. What are you doing working on your vacation?? Next thing I know you will be doing a radio broadcast from the beach (tee hee)!!

    Great painting. I can't wait to see a mouse on one of these....

  5. Love the composition and colors! Captivating...

  6. The scene and the colors are just yummy!!

  7. Wow, very vivid color saturated painting! Enjoy the rest of your vacay, don't work too hard!

  8. Sounds like you're having a wonderful vacation! Wonderful vibrant painting.

  9. This is glorious! Love the bright color and the delicate riggings
