
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Taking The Day Off ... Again

"Taking the Day Off ... Again"
Oil, 6" x 6" on museum quality panel.
$200 with display easel.
Just to set things straight ... I did not take the day off! Dreama and I recorded our 18th episode of our "Artists Helping Artists" radio show this morning. We talked about "Pricing your Art" and had enough notes left over to fill up two more shows on "pricing" ... so the subject will be discussed again I promise!
We did forget to mention one thing on today's show ... and that's the new Monthly Painting Challenge. Basically, we are asking artists to paint a painting that fits within the theme of the month. So, in two weeks you should see paintings all titled "September" appearing on the "Artists Helping Artists" blog. We hope you will participate so ... start those "back to school" paintings soon!
Now ... back to the title of this painting. Just a few weeks ago I painted a painting using the same photo reference. It sold immediately so I thought I would try it again. So I changed up the colors and tried another one. I am very happy the outcome and thought you might enjoy it. Here's the painting I painted two weeks ago from the same photo.
This was fun!


  1. I love both of the paintings. Your color combinations are gorgeous! I can't wait to listen to your show tonight. I have been anxiously awaiting the new show this week. I feel like you and Dreama are my girlfriends. Such an awesome thing you are doing for your fellow artist friends.

  2. Both of you are priceless. Thank you for taking time to put your beautiful minds together and inspiring so many artists.

  3. Just goes to show how versatile our *jobs* are - we can take one idea and explore and explore! Thanks for yesterday's show, too. Very good, as usual.

  4. Love both paintings! I don't know which is my favorite.
    Hope to join in on the challenge. I am about to click on yesterdays show and paint away. :)

  5. Hard to believe that the summer is drawing to an end!!

    EGAD!! I'll need to listen to your program recording. It's a topic all of us always struggle with.

  6. Love the green,orange combination. Looking forward to the painting challenge.

  7. Colori splendidi combinati con gusto ed eleganza. é un piacere guardare questi capolavori. Saluti

  8. lovely color combo. I am "on" for the painting challenge. September here I come!
