
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fall Colors

"Fall Colors"
Oil, 30" x 30"

I had a really wonderful opportunity to paint this painting for the set of one of the top new TV Shows premiering next week. It is a larger piece, 30" x 30" and although I completed it in record time, it was a blast! My art is also on the set of the popular TV show "Modern Family", so Hollywood ... here I come!
Dreama is in town and we are busy getting ready for our workshop. It starts today an we are so excited! I promise to take lots of photos and share them here. Gotta go teach ...


  1. You amaze once again with your business acumen and achievements! This is all very exciting stuff. Great piece too, love the green in the sky and water, very unusual but very effective.

  2. Beautiful painting and awesome news for you! Have fun at your workshop. I wish I could join you all. Jennifer:)

  3. Love the painting! And how awesome is it that your work is getting such great exposure. Now I'll be paying attention to all the art on the shows. Congratulations!!!!

  4. OK, now in addition to NEVER missing Modern Family, I am going to have to watch it twice, once for the show, once for the painting! Congratulations on getting your art on the 2nd set. I don't know when you sleep, continue to amaze me!

  5. Congrats on it all!! a lovely piece today too!

  6. All the best to you and Dreama for your workshop. I know it will be an absolute hit, and wish I could be there (especially for the dinners - no just kidding - for the painting too!!!).
