
Friday, October 15, 2010

Life Sucks ...

"Late Fall in Portland" by Annie Salness

Life has a way of sneaking up on you and sometimes things happen that are not fair and offer no explanation. Sometimes I just don't get it.
So, today, I need to ask all of you to join me in praying for a wonderful artist and dear friend, Annie Salness. Annie is a young, vibrant, strong and talented woman, mother and wife. She is in ICU as of yesterday and needs your prayers. Thanks.


  1. Oh my gosh, I follow Annie's work. Thank you for this call out for prayers which can be very powerful.

  2. ya, life sucks... sometime when you need to put your full effort to achieved a goal then bad thing turn up.
    She have my blessing...

  3. My heart goes out to her family and friends. I don't know her, but I will pray for her. What is her blog? I would like to see her work.

  4. I love her work! A wonderful artist. I follow her blog. My prayers are going up.

  5. I just went to Annie's Blog and she has some beautiful paintings posted. She is a most interesting artist. I wish her and her family the best. She is in my prayers.

  6. I also follow Annie's beautiful work, and pray that she will pull through this.

  7. I follow Annie's blog. She is so talented. Thank you for letting us know. Prayers will be sent.

  8. Oh my goodness! Our prayers go out to her and her family. I follow her blog regularly and love her paintings. Hope she gets better real quick.

  9. I just went to her blog to get to 'know' her a little, and - wow - she just puts her heart out on the line in her art and in her writing! She's a great artist, and sounds like a great gal - definitely in my prayers....

  10. Nel mio piccolo pregherò per Lei e per farle sentire tutto il nostro bisogno che abbiamo di lei

  11. you're a good friend-I join your circle of prayer

  12. Oh that's terrible! I've followed Annie for a while and love her work. Can you post an update when you receive one?

  13. Thanks for the info....... am praying for her.

  14. Hi Leslie!... Add my thoughts and prayers for Annie and her family in this time of need!

    Life these days is very stressful and unpredictable... we live in challenging and dangerous times.

    Hope that everything works out for Annie!

    Warmest regards and Prayers,

  15. Oh, I am so sorry and am including my prayers and thoughts for Annie and her family. Thank you for telling us.

  16. I love her work and she has been very helpful to me in the past with questions about painting. She is very gracious and talented also. I will definitely pray for her recovery and please keep us updated on her.

  17. any updates on Annie?....sure hope she's getting better.
