
Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Cheat Sheet

"Springtime in Paris"
Oil, 6" x 8"
$250.00 with display easel.

One of the things about filming in your home is that the production companies often remove every single item out of a room. (This includes furniture, knick-knacks, rugs, lamps, etc.) In the past they have turned my dining room into a bedroom and a bathroom. When the time comes to put it all back I sometimes use this "opportunity" to start my spring cleaning. Last week, I let a film company empty out my office. This was, in fact, the first time I had allowed anyone to ever film in my office. And this time it was a good thin is a good thing because at the end of the day I made sure that only about half of the contents were put back in my office. What a difference. It is amazing!
Fortunately my new clean office has subsequently led to many hours of "spring cleaning" ... sorting, creating lots of new folders and organization!
So ... why is this post titled "cheat sheet"? As part of my one-on-one marketing consultations, I offer all of my clients access to what I refer to as my "cheat sheet". It's a website that has links to all of the resources I use for my own art marketing and for research on the "Artists Helping Artists" radio show. It's "one stop shopping" for my resources. The concept is a new one and this weekend it became a reality. It's wonderful to have all of the resources and awesome links in one place. And it's even better that I can now share it with other artists.
I should probably mention that Dreama is a bit out of sorts with all of my new "organization".  I think she's just jealous ...


  1. Très jolie toile que celle de ce printemps à Paris... Très joli travail dans le ciel...

  2. what a great opportunity...spring cleaning and all. love the idea of your website of links for your consulting clients...brilliant!

  3. And this is why you are "THE" marketing genius that you are. Wonderful art work here and you turn spring cleaning into organizing which leads to marketing which leads to selling/sharing which leads to success! I need me a cheat sheet:)

  4. Jealous?? Did someone say Jealous?? Just because I am working against having Eddie in my filing baskets, why would I be jealous??
    OF COURSE I AM JEALOUS!! All will be forgiven if you will fly to Kentucky (Paris in the spring--who could resist??) and get my files organized too.
    Just sayin'
    Nice painting by the way.
    We don't have that tower in my Paris. We have a water tank with no tours.

  5. Paris...mon amour!!!! beautiful

  6. This is really good Leslie. I'm not sure HOW you painted that tower with a palette knife. Amazing!

  7. Really, Leslie, that is amazing! And your cheat sheet is a fabulous idea! I'm working my way to be one of your clients, girl...

  8. The cheat sheet really is a work i progress ... it has almost doubled in size since the first day it was created!
    And spring cleaning paid off ... I found my "first ever" painting. YIKES!!! Not sure if I will this out for "show and tell" like Scott Christensen does at his workshop ...
