
Thursday, December 20, 2012

12 Days of Christmas - Day Nine Giveaway

Wow. I don't even know what to say. There were over 100 suggestions submitted yesterday for topics for future AHA shows. Really? Do you all have any idea how awesome that is? And do you have any idea how wonderful that is for yours truly? I am stunned. And forever grateful. Thank you so much for taking the time to send in your suggestions. I am so touched that you all rallied to help me with this. Thank you.

The winner of the 12 Days of Christmas Day Eight Giveaway is Carol Steinberg.  It's not all that surprising since she submitted A TON of AHA show ideas. I was a bit curious to see if would "randomly" pick the one person who submitted by far the most suggestions ... and sure enough, that is exactly what happened! So congrats! Email me and we will set up your free consultation.

The Day Nine Giveaway is a $100 gift certificate towards one of my paintings or any of the merchandise featured on my website. To qualify for the giveaway, all you have to do is leave a post on this blog or my Facebook pages answering the following question.
"I love being an artist because ...".

Dig deep, and take a moment to think about why we are so blessed to be artists. And enjoy your day!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Check out my upcoming palette knife painting workshops at


  1. I love being an artist because it gives me the freedom to express be myself and evolve spiritually. it feels like i was born to be an artist. Its who i am.

  2. I love being an Artist because it gives me the perfect excuse to get behind with the housework, laundry and ironing. It's a wonderful excuse for being late and for not answering the phone. It means I can get away with looking disheveled, with paint in my hair - even when I'm going somewhere nice! It makes people automatically think I am an interesting, intriguing and deep person and I love to play along with that - even though in reality I am even more ordinary than very ordinary! I love being an Artist because it makes my mind completely escape and I feel absorbed in my own little bubble of wonderfulness. And most of all, I like being an Artist because it has meant that I have met some truly lovely friends who I would never have met otherwise :0)

  3. I love being an artist because of all the wonderful people I've met thru art. It has changed my life.

  4. I love being an artist because it is who I am!

  5. I love being an artist because there is just something magical about putting smudges of paint on a canvas to create something so unique and personal.

  6. I love being an artist because I love playing with the smooshiness of oil paints and all the colors in my pastel box (not on the same painting!)

  7. I love being an artist because I have a way to get in touch with my inner core. Even though I'm an art teacher, most of that creativity is directed toward others. Painting, for me, answers that urge to create something beautiful.

  8. I love being an artist because it's a challenge and because of the opportunities it affords me.

  9. I Love being an Artist because I see beauty in the small things around me.
