
Friday, January 18, 2013

30 in 30 - Day Seventeen

My Favorite Things - 30 Paintings in 30 Days
"Silk or Cotton?", Oil, 6" x 6"

Before I discovered oil painting my favorite creative passion was sewing. At about the age of ten my mom taught me how to sew. Before too long I was making all of my clothes. Eventually I was working part time in fabric stores, making model garments, entering sewing contests and making my wedding dress! I always imagined I would be making adorable "girl clothes" for my kids. But three boys later and all I could really do is make cool Halloween costumes ... and costumes for the school musicals.

My fascination with sewing is what attracted me to these adorable spools at the Rose Bowl swap meet last weekend. At $1.00 a piece I cannot understand why I only bought four. I should have bought all they had! I am going back next month on a mission to find more.

One of the things this challenge has done for me is open my eyes to all of the fun things to paint. I was in a bit of a "boat rut" and am so thankful that with the exception of one day, I have reached out of my comfort zone to find new things to paint.

So I am curious, what have you learned about "subject matter" while participating in the 30 in 30 Challenge?

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Check out my upcoming palette knife painting workshops at


  1. I'm a little bit the opposite from you Leslie in that I tend to jump around a lot on subject matter usually which makes it challenging to find inspiring scenes to paint all the time. In this challenge, I've been concentrating on one subject matter for 3 or 4 paintings at a time and I like the process of looking at the same subject in a different way from one day to the next. I think I will continue doing that after the challenge.

  2. Leslie - I usually paint landscapes & skyscapes and every now and then venture into still life. I wanted to challenge myself during this and decided to work on reflective surfaces, glass, figures...things I tend to shy away from. It's been a GREAT learning experience! I'll probably keep it up after the challenge is over!
