
Monday, January 28, 2013

30 in 30 - Day Twenty-Seven - SOLD

My Favorite Things - 30 Paintings in 30 Days
"Hoover Tower", Oil, 6" x 6"

I think I am in a bit of denial. There really can't only be four more days left in this challenge! I am sad and cannot believe it. I still feel as if I am just getting going. Please don't end!

Of course, all of us shouldn't need a "challenge" to paint every day. But I do have to admit, it's been an awesome kick in the butt. And a great way to start out 2013. I can't help but wonder where would I be had I not done this challenge? The thought kind of scares me.

In four days I am going to continue to paint. I am going to paint and post as often as I can. But since I want to paint bigger and more complex paintings, the pressure of having to "paint everyday" won't be curtailing my painting dreams. And hence, I can reach out of my comfort zone once again. I am hoping you can expect to see something on my blog about five times a week. 

And I have just realized ... that means I can paint some boats again too! (OK, truth is I didn't really miss them as much as I thought I would. Hmmm.)

On another note, if you would like me to share your experiences with the 30 in 30 Challenge on the "Artists Helping Artists" radio program this week please email or call in live to the show. The show airs this Thursday at 9:00 am PST and 12:00 noon EST. 

I also have two spots in my Atlanta workshop as there were some last minute cancels. The workshop is February 11 - 13 and includes a home cooked gourmet dinner by yours truly! Follow this link for more information. To register, just email me.

I also added a workshop in Indianapolis on March 26th and 27th. It's through Renaissance Fine Art and Kathleen O'Neil Stevens is awesome! This will be my first time teaching a workshop in this part of the country and my only chance this year so if you are interested, please don't delay to sign up. Click here for more information. 

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Check out my upcoming palette knife painting workshops at

1 comment:

  1. Leslie, it has been an awesome month...I've painted more in 26 days than I did in 6 months....Such a learning the motivation by your post everyday was the best! Thanks to you and all the artist for so much inspiration!
