
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Lots of Cuties

"Lots of Cuties"
Oil, 8" x 8" on canvas panel
$350.00 with display easel.
Click here to purchase.

During the 30 in 30 Paintings Challenge I discovered a new love for painting silver. There is something about the shine and reflections on the silver that are very fun to paint.
Years ago I was a huge antique shopper and needless to say I have collected a ton of silver pieces. I have sterling silver and silver plated pieces and at some point I started collecting silver pitchers. You can expect to see a lot of new paintings featuring some of my silver collection. Of course that means I need to polish it all first! Ugh.
This painting contains a silver compote that I have painted before and has some wonderful "cuties" included. And to think I didn't even have time to eat a few when I was done!

My new webinARTs Marketing 101 course starts tomorrow. You can sign up any time this month but I highly encourage you to do it now. It will help your art career in a big way, I promise!
Image and video hosting by TinyPic Check out my upcoming palette knife painting workshops at

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