
Friday, May 10, 2013

30 Marketing Ideas in 30 Days - Day 10

"Along the Canal"
Oil, 12" x 12" on canvas panel.
Click here to purchase.

Most artists would like to have their art sold in Art Galleries. We know that when people are looking for art they usually head to art galleries. But getting your art in an a Gallery is an entirely different story. 

The Day Ten Marketing Challenge task is to start researching potential galleries where you can sell your art. The last thing you want to do is contact a gallery before you are ready.

First off, you need to start a list of all of the galleries where you would like to show your art.  The database can be in the form of a list, notebook or spreadsheet, it doesn't matter.
Make sure the galleries have a history of showing your type of art and then create a database, which includes:
                        the name of each gallery,
                        a list of the artists they represent
                        the address,
                        the telephone number,
                        the email contact ,
                        a web page if they have one,
                        a contact name.

Next you need to peruse the websites of each gallery and read what their specific guidelines are for submitting artwork. Print out a copy and keep this information organized by gallery name. 

Did you know the best way to get your art seen by a gallery is from a referral of an artist currently showing in their gallery? Look at the galleries list of current artists. If you are lucky you might know a few of them. Visit their websites and learn as much as you can about the artists they already represent.

Of course you need to visit the galleries (if they are nearby) and get to know them. Study the art, prices, artists, styles, etc. 

Based on the gallery submission guidelines start a "to-do" list of all of the things you need to have before you approach the galleries. Do you need a resume, CD of images or a portfolio? Make the list and keep it in front of you so that you can make progress on all of the items you need to approach the galleries.

When you are ready, submit your information based on each of the gallery guidelines. One week after you have submitted your information follow up with a phone call to the gallery. This is a very important step so don't skip it!

I know what you are thinking ... wait, this takes more than 30 minutes! Of course it does. But today you should be able to start researching galleries and create a list of those you are interested in. Then create your database. And as time permits over the next month or so, continue to follow the rest of these steps. 

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 Check out my upcoming palette knife painting workshops and my webinARTs classes.

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