
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Thirty Paintings in 30 Days - Day Eight

Tropical Breeze
Oil, 6" x 6"

We made it through the first week! Yay! It's Day Eight and I am only slightly sleep deprived so that's a good thing, right? 

January is the perfect time to take on a Challenge like this. It's the best time to start new habits for the year and painting everyday is one I really want to continue. The only problem I am having is I have a lot of other new things for the year I would like to do too. This week I started a new financial reporting system for my art business, a new organizational system in my office and I am redoing two of my websites. Plus I am working on my two books again. 

So that's really why I am sleep deprived. 

Plus, January is "health month" in our house so every January I schedule every possible dr. appt that needs to happen for the year. Currently I have five dr. appts on my calendar. So, if you are behind on a yearly physical, mammogram, teeth cleaning or dermatology appt, schedule it now! 

Today's painting was inspired from my collection of photos from Hawaii. I could paint from my photos from the Hawaiian islands for the next ten years. I really do have that many photos! I love the darker palette in this painting.

I start teaching next week and still have some openings in a few of my workshop. Feel free to email me if you are interested!
My upcoming workshops:
Jan 14 - 16 - Palette Knife Painting, South Pasadena, CA
Jan 20 - Building a website in a Day, Ventura, CA
Feb 3 - 5, Painting in Paradise at the Beach, Ventura, CA
Feb 10 - 12, Palette Knife Painting, Atlanta, GA

Check out the website for our new beach house in Ventura, Ca. I am now teaching workshops at the beach and renting out the house. Come stay and paint with me! I have workshops scheduled in the next twelve months in South Pasadena, Ventura Beach, Newport Beach, Charlotte, NC, and Atlanta, Ga. Click here for more information!

1 comment:

  1. Love your painting Leslie. Love the way you suggested the breeze and the knife work on the palms.
