
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Thirty Paintings in 30 Days - Day Twenty Two

"Docked and Waiting"
Oil, 16" x 8"

It is Day Twenty Two and I am in "the zone". I am in a better "painting place" than I have been in a very long time and I love that the 30 Day Challenge is the reason why! Tomorrow I start painting six 12" x 12" paintings that I need for a presentation for two clients in a few weeks. I am hoping I can finish some of them for the 30 in 30 Challenge. We barely have a week and a half left!

There is something about painting everyday that eliminates all of the distractions, procrastination and negativity in the studio. I feel as if I am in a groove and with my most recently created Pandora music station (George Winston) I am smiling and painting. Yeah!

I hope many of you are experiencing the same thing. This happened to me last January. And it changed my painting abilities forever. (I should mention that I didn't have the same success in the September Challenge but I think that is because I was in the midst of a remodel and my life was way too crazy that month!)

So keep on painting. Don't focus on creating masterpieces because this month is about the journey. The lessons you have learned in your studio will be with you forever! It is all about what you have learned from the experience and not about your finished paintings. We all have some gems that we created this month. Save and treasure those! There are likely others that you aren't as happy with. There are some I don't like so I will sand them down and paint over them. Who cares!

Enjoy the next nine days. It's been fun.

My upcoming workshops:
Feb 3 - 5, Painting in Paradise at the Beach, Ventura, CA
Feb 10 - 12, Palette Knife Painting, Atlanta, GA
March 17 - 19, Painting in Paradise at the Beach, Ventura, CA

Check out the website for our new beach house in Ventura, Ca. I am now teaching workshops at the beach and renting out the house. Come stay and paint with me! I have workshops scheduled in the next twelve months in South Pasadena, Ventura Beach, Newport Beach, Charlotte, NC, and Atlanta, Ga. Click here for more information!

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