
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Thirty Paintings in 30 Days - Day Two

Mission and Meridian
Oil, 12" x 12"

Oh my goodness. What was I thinking starting the 30 in 30 Challenge on a day like today? The craziness started last night as we had 100+ people over for New Year's Eve which included an Italian pasta dinner cooked by yours truly. The last guest left at 1:45am this morning and we were up before 6:00 am to get ready for the Rose Parade. After the parade we walked down to the Rose Bowl and hosted a tailgate party for another 100 people (which included lunch) and then walked in to the stadium for the game. The final score was disappointing (sob), but we were somewhat distracted as we were also watching our son's volleyball game on my iphone (he was playing in Chicago). We still have 10 awesome Stanford grads staying at our house but I am hiding up
stairs about ready to collapse. Can I just say, I am really tired. Actually, I am more than tired. I am crazy tired. Exhausted!
So, it is a very good thing I was able to paint a bit ahead before this challenge started. I would not have been able to find an extra second to paint today. It's okay to finish two paintings (in one day) to get ahead. It is not cheating. It's called planning ahead and being organized. I highly encourage it!

The painting posted here was a commission and it features the gold line train in South Pasadena. I love this intersection at Mission and Meridian and it's kind of become an iconic place in town. It's also very fun to paint!

I am sorry if I didn't get a chance to respond to all of your questions today about "how to post on my blog", or the little "red x" or "how to erase your post". Just remember this challenge is a fun way to kick off the year. It's about getting in the studio to paint and develop some great painting habits. Please  don't worry about the details, paint whatever you want and if you accidentally post your painting twice on my blog, it's fine! Just try to link your painting back to your blog or website so people can learn more about you. And don't be surprised if you sell some paintings this month too!

Check out my new remodel blog for our new beach house in Ventura, Ca. I am now teaching workshops at the beach. Come stay and paint with me! I have workshops scheduled in the next twelve months in South Pasadena, Ventura Beach, Newport Beach, Charlotte, NC, and Atlanta, Ga. Click here for more information!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't really want to post my sketch today..
    But my goal is to draw every day - not make something awesome every day.
    So I decided to post it after all.
    Not every day is a magical art day - and I decided to show that :D
