
Friday, July 25, 2014

Picking a Theme

Oil, 12" x 12" on canvas

I am quite thrilled that it's only been a day since I posted the website for the September 30 in 30 Challenge and over 200 artists have already signed up. We already have ten countries represented and the challenge doesn't start for over a month. I hope the longer lead time gives everyone a chance to get prepared. Buy your canvases and get your painting area ready. But one of the most important things you need to do is pick a theme for your challenge.

I have had a lot of conversations in the last few days with my artist friends about picking a theme. Some have asked, why even pick one? First, it makes it easier to decide what you should paint.  Selecting a theme provides you the chance to create some interest in your future posts. It also makes it more fun for both you and your collectors. 

So how do you go about picking a theme? My theme for this challenge is "Thirty Things You Don't Know About Me". I picked it because I thought it would be interesting as my daily paintings and blog posts would reveal something about me most people don't know. It was also a broad enough theme that would allow me to paint some of the paintings I have been wanting to paint for my private collection and our Ventura house. I also had some ideas that fit the theme that would also appeal to my collector base. I am sure a few of the 30 in 30 paintings will end up in the recycle bin. That's fine as I hope to try some new things during the challenge. But, to be perfectly honest, I will be creating paintings that I hope to sell.. And I think you should too!

My AHA July co-host Margaret Sheldon has picked a theme around things she feels guilty about. I love it! My friend Dottie Leatherwood picked a theme last time where she painted scenes as if she was travelling all around. The funny thing is many friends on Facebook thought she was really traveling!

Give yourself some time to pick a theme. It should be for you and about you. Just make sure it's fun!

Check out remodel blog for our beach house in Ventura, Ca. I am teaching workshops at the beach. Come stay and paint with me! I have workshops scheduled in the next twelve months in South Pasadena, Ventura Beach, Newport Beach, Charlotte NC, Richmond Va and Atlanta Ga. Click here for more information!

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