
Monday, September 1, 2014

Thirty Paintings in 30 Days - Day One

"A Frequent Flyer"
Oil, 8" x 16" on canvas panel.
$650.00 on canvas panel.
Click here to purchase.

Thirty Things You Don't Know About Me

#1 - I am a nervous flier. But that is only because I have been in TWO emergency landings.

In my previous job I flew a lot. In fact I flew over 1,000,000 miles which does have its perks. I still have priority status on American airlines which is great at LAX because I get to join in the shorter lines, check my bags for free and enjoy priority status.

But all that flying has come with a price. I have been in two emergency landings on American Airlines. The first was in Dallas. When we took off from LAX we blew five tires. Apparently that makes the landing a bit tricky. The flight crew prepared us all for the emergency landing and had us all turn in our shoes and assume the "emergency landing position" (which by the way, is putting your head between your legs and praying like crazy). We landed in foam with emergency vehicles all over the runway. Fortunately the landing was a piece of cake. Except for the screaming and crying of everyone in the plane. Ugh.

My second emergency landing was at JFK. Unfortunately the pilot couldn't get the landing gear to lock. I won't even tell you what the pilot has to do to try to lock it, other than it involves a loud thump on the runway at a very high speed. His first try worked and we landed without incident. Another close call!

I use to think that after one emergency landing my chances were slim to none that I would ever have a problem on an airplane. But after the second one I decided I still needed to worry.

So, if you are ever flying with me on a plane and I look a little stressed (especially in turbulence), give this girl a break. I just can't help it!

This week I am releasing my 2015 workshop schedule. I am coming to Cape Cod, Atlanta and Richmond in 2015! Plus you can paint and stay with me in Ventura, CA at the beach house! Click here for more information!

I am also offering Monday Online Studio painting classes beginning October 2014! Join me each month as we paint boats, roosters, glass, beach scenes, umbrellas, etc. with a palette knife!
Click here to sign up!

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