
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Getting Caught Up

"Sailing Away"
Oil, 6" x 6"

I am sooo sorry that I haven't posted a new painting in a while. But I have been so busy getting organized with my goals and starting off the new year that I haven't had much time to paint. I know it is a lame excuse but I am in that "nesting stage" where I want to be ready for the year before I dive back in to my studio.
I have been working a lot on my website, in fact I was at the Apple store this morning at 7:00am for a tutoring session. I added a page to my website that now offers all of my notecards. I have been sending them out with all of my sold paintings and finally built up an inventory so they are for sale here on my website. I sold 20 today!
I am just about done with my January newsletter and I finished my new filing system that will enable me to FINALLY keep tack of exhibition jury deadlines! I hope I am not getting carried away because it looks like I am going to enter six competitions this month. I might need to change my goal for the year ... since it was only ten!
I also made the leap and decided to offer my paintings on Imagekind. I think it is a nice way to expand my art into the corporate world as framed prints of my artwork are a good alternative for businesses and offices. I just about have that completed so click here for more information.
I am also starting an art class tonight with Jennifer McChristian. She is an amazing painter and I am really hoping to learn a lot from her. I absolutely love her paintings!
I will be back in the studio in the next few days, I promise!


  1. Leslie, you have a lot of good ideas for this year. I wish you luck with all of them. Btw, "Sailing Away" is beautiful. Very nice combination of colors….I love it.

  2. Beautiful painting. Love your work.

  3. I am always amazed to see work. The color you use is very bright. Well done!

    Color Pencil Drawing: Radhe Krishna

  4. Hi Leslie,

    Great seeing you in class tonight! I hope you enjoyed it :)
    'Sailing Away' is awesome! Great composition and wonderful play of warm/cool colors.

  5. I think that you are doing things just right! Now is the time to get all of these business type things done- I wisht aht I had the discipline to do it!!! you ahve such amazing talents and I know that you will be so happy that you have given yourself this time to get organized!! I think that having your artwork in corporate spaces will give so much joy to so many- what a wonderful vision for so many to see!!! Happy New Year!!!!

  6. Wow, is all I can say for the painting you posted today, Leslie! It is stunning. I have so enjoyed looking at your painting that I won in a giveaway last year. It is just lovely. Thank you again.

    It sounds as if you NEED a couple of days to take a deep breath and get ready for all you have lined up to do this year. It sounds exciting, and I think you'll be poised to do very well! I do wish you the very best in 2010.

  7. Well Girlfriend...another fabulous piece. I love the crispness of the colors, let alone the composition of how you used them....well done. You busy thing...I think you are going to need an assistant soon just to help with all the invoicing and sales that are going out of the studio!

  8. Wow, very beautiful, Leslie. How lucky you are to be taking a painting class with Jennifer McChristian - I love her work!
