
Sunday, March 17, 2013

I'm hooked!

"In A Row"
Oil, 6" x 6" on canvas panel
$200.00 with display easel
Click here to purchase this painting. 

Organization ... Somehow, in the last week, this word has become my middle name. I think it was last week's "Artists Helping Artists" show that got me hooked. The show was about digital organization. On the show, in front of 15,000 people, I admitted that I had 3500 emails sitting in my inbox. And that's funny, because after the show I looked and there were actually 4500 emails in my inbox. Needless to say, there are now only 400 left in my inbox!  And my office is also more organized than it has ever been. I spent over eight hours making labels for file folders, tossing stuff and filing everything in it's place. And boy does that feel good!
Staying organized is really important. Clutter and "piles of stuff" can really inhibit your creativity. That's probably why my studio is always clean. In fact, when I sense any clutter in my studio the "pile of stuff" is usually removed from my studio. It's a great solution for keeping your studio clean but not good for trying to keep your office organized. 
As I was terribly buried in piles and file folders I somehow forgot to post on my blog and leave a place for all of you to share your two favorite paintings from this week. So my bad. And feel free to post here all week!
Finally, I have a workshop in indianapolis next week and we have a few spots left. Just follow this link here if you think you might be able to join us. 

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Check out my upcoming palette knife painting workshops at

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