
Friday, January 30, 2009

Fair Oaks Pharmacy

Any Day in South Pasadena, Oil, 10" x 8" Sold
I just ordered note cards again of some of my paintings. If you haven't ordered from then you are really missing out. You can get 250 free color business cards and tons of free stuff (including 10 free notecards) all year long. If you don't mind waiting a few weeks, the shipping is only about $5.00. Anyway, I was amazed at how well the note cards for the "Any Day in South Pasadena" painting turned out. I sell the notecards but also use them for just about everything. They make great hostess gifts so I am always running short.
I painted this painting while trying to make a deadline for the California Art Club Rialto Visions show. We had to paint a South Pasadena landmark and I chose the Fair Oaks Pharmacy. I love the loose feel and apparently others did as well, as one of my favorite collectors bought this one for his office in New York! I have a sweet story about the Fair Oaks Pharmacy as my husband and I took Andrew there when he was about three months old and I made the mistake of giving him a taste of his first solid food ... ice cream. And here we are almost 18 years later and he eats almost a half a gallon of ice cream every day. My fault, I guess.
And speaking of ice cream, Monday's post will continue with this theme as I am waiting for a painting to dry so I can finish some detail work!


  1. Love this painting!!
    It is so energetic and alive! No wonder it was sold right away!

  2. thanks for buying more ice cream. next time could you please buy some toaster strudel.
    i like the painting.

  3. Marian - Thanks for your kind words about the painting. And thanks for taggin me! I will respond tomorrow.
    Andrew - Glad you finally posted on my blog. And I would be happy to add the "toaster strudel" to my shopping list.

  4. Leslie, I just adore this one. Marian is right -- it is so vibrant and full of life, and it really captures the whimsy and happy nostalgia at Fair Oaks Pharmacy.

    I must second your rave about vistaprint. I was happily surprised at the quality of the printing.
