
Monday, February 2, 2009

A Haven for Ice Cream

A Haven For Ice Cream, Oil, 8" x 10"
The other night I was telling my kids at dinner that it would be nice if they would post on my blog every once in a while. I explained to them that it makes me feel like someone is reading it if comments are left on the blog. (Actually, I do know that people are reading my blog because I can tell on Feedburner that I average about 50 hits a day ... but you get my point.) Sure enough, about 20 minutes later I see a new comment posted on my blog. It reads "Mom, we're out of ice cream". Pretty funny ... at least I know that my boys listen to me. And I really shouldn't complain. Because, you see, we actually were out of ice cream. So ... speaking of ice cream ... I have been wracking my brain trying to come up with a painting for my oldest brother and his wife for a Christmas gift (yes ... Christmas ... as in last December ... there is no way I am that organized and planning eleven months ahead on my gifts this year). Anyway, my brother and his family spend a few weeks every summer in South Haven and I always wanted to do a painting from there. They already have paintings of the lake house, so I thought I would paint one of my favorite local spots (and theirs!) called Shermans Dairy Bar. They serve fantastic ice cream and although I haven't been there in sixteen years ... I still remember it! So, "Merry Belated Christmas". I hope you like the painting and that it reminds you of wonderful, hot summer evenings and dripping, yummy ice cream. And boys ... I bought ice cream today.

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