
Monday, April 6, 2009

Back to the Easel

Cafe, Oil 16" x 8"
I must confess that I usually spend a lot of time painting on the weekend ... so my "five" paintings for the week are almost always at least 50% done before the week even starts! Although I had a WONDERFUL weekend with family, I did not get a chance to paint so now I am scrambling to get to my easel. Of course now I feel like I am way behind!
I also sold a commission last week and need to start on that painting as well ... I will post it as soon as it is done. It will take me most of the week.
So here is a little one. Enjoy!


  1. Beautiful painting and beautiful spot, Leslie! You must be incredibly organized to usually start 5 paintings at a time. That's planning! I love the light in this one. Wish I were at that cafe right now!

  2. OK, for the record, I am not that organized. I actually start one, finish it, and then move on to the next. I am just not good at working on more than one painting at the same time! But usually I can get two or three done in a weekend!

  3. Nice work. I enjoy using a palette knife here and there in my paintings. You have inspired me to try doing a whole painting with my knife at some point.
    Love your boats too. Nice light quality.
    Kim Blair

  4. Thanks Kim! Welcome to my blog. If you try an entire painting with a palette knife ... be sure to let me know if you like it!

  5. Hi Leslie, I appreciate your great comments on my blog. Your work is fresh and alive with color and I love the way you handle the palette knife! Great style...keep it up!
    Tina Bohlman

  6. GREAT painting, Leslie. I really like the long horizontal format and it has a wonderful sense of light. Beautiful.

  7. Tina - thanks for your kind comments. I really enjoy painting with a palette knife. In fact, I really don't know how to paint with a brush!

    Edward - thank you! I really need to use more canvas sizes. I have been spending way to much time with the traditional 8" x 10" sizes!

  8. Wow, that's not "little" in my book.

    LOVE the umbrellas. I don't know why, but I really do.

  9. Leslie...Your Work is simply amazing...:)

  10. Isn't it crazy that we feel behind when we haven't worked for a couple of days?! I know what you mean! But you are so prolific!! I look forward to the commission piece (and congrats on that., too!).
    I agree with Jala, the umbrellas are great in this one.

  11. Jala, Megha and Karen,
    Thanks! I like those umbrellas too. That is why I painted this one. I had painted the same scene a while ago in a different format so wanted to capture the umbrellas. Hence the long, skinny format!

  12. Lovely work you do! I know what you mean about trying to keep up with painting... it's hard to do everything. Looks like you're managing well, though. Keep up the good work.

  13. Very well done, Leslie! Love it all-especially those green umbrellas. I admire your skill with the painting knife. I have used one for sections of my paintings now and then, then finish with a brush. Gonna have to try a total painting knife soon.

  14. This is beautiful..lovely colors too!

  15. Hi Leslie! I'm definitely enjoying this one. Great colors.

  16. Wow! I love the texture of your paintings - so fresh and lively! I hardly show brush marks on my paintings, and you are so dare and confident.
    Check my blog "My Art - My Stories" when you have a chance. I need some serious critiques on my paintings. Thanks for the visual treats!

  17. The colors in this painting are luscious - really wonderful! Your work is so lovely.

  18. Love the colors in this piece. Great family weekends are really important! Soon all three will be gone!

  19. You really captured the charm of this location. I want to be sipping tea under one of those umbrellas. Really lovely!

    I'm behind in painting too. The weekend show put me even further behind.

    It was great reading your last post about your boys. I have a 4-year old son who is very active and always keeps me on my toes. I can't imagine having 3 that close in age, you must have been exhausted!

  20. Leslie, I just found your blog and love your paintings! So happy to find another California artist!! I'll be looking forward to seeing more of yur wonderful work!
