
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Colorful Day

Street Scene, Oil 8" x 6"
I just finished this painting a few minutes ago. I photographed it with a bright lamp and tried to make it look decent. I might need to re-take the photo tomorrow when it is light outside ... although I think it is supposed to rain so the light might not be much better.
I am thinking about starting a newsletter and I would love any input and suggestions. It is time to reach out to potential collectors and contacts and it would be fun to do this once a month. I would like to include info. about my art but also feature other artists, as I have found so many favorites through my blog (you know who you are!). Anyway, if any of you have had success with a newsletter, I would love some tips!


  1. Leslie - Your paintings are absolutely gorgeous - expressive colors, strong design and a passion-filled paint strokes. I'm glad you enjoy my work, especially now that I've seen your beautiful paintings. I'm also amazed that you can create such wonderful results with a very limited palette! Wish I could help you with your newsletter. I haven't done this but believe it's a great idea.

  2. Thanks Marie. And thanks for visiting my blog! I find with a limited palette that I can just about get any color. Sometimes I pull out an extra color here and there ... but only if absolutely needed!

  3. Ahhhhh! This popped onto my screen and hit me in the solar plexis! Don't know how this would change if you reshoot it, but it's looking glorious now. LOVE the colors. Great idea about the newsletter. I follow Robert Genn's--he keeps it relatively short, and always includes inspirational quotes, and hits topics that artists find interesting. Collectors like personal stories about why you paint, and who you are. You write well, you paint beautifully--a winning combo!

  4. Thanks Liz. I do like the colors on this one. Fortunately, when I looked at the painting this morning I decided I don't need to re-shoot it. Yeah! I spent lots of time today "underpainting" more canvas panels for the next round of paintings. Lots of fun colors there too!

  5. I love the textures in your paintings--great colors and scenes. Glad I found you!

  6. Leslie, it looks fantastic! I am looking forward to seeing how it turns out in daylight. it is always a problem trying to get a camera to give an honest version of your work. r.

  7. I love the warmth in your work. The strong light reminds me of late afternoon walks in the city. Thanks for checking out my blog. I just had to check out yours! Glad I did.

  8. Leslie, Thanks for your comments to me. I am also glad to find your site. I really like your style and colors. Your work is so cohesive, I've yet to accomplish that myself as I am still struggling with a style to stick with. Look forward to visiting your site often.

  9. Beautiful warm vibrant painting!

    I haven't started a newsletter but I have a blog friend who puts one together. She says it's one of her major marketing tools and has gotten sales and commissions through it. To what extent, I'm not sure. Her advice to me was to make sure it looked professional and branded. She has a whole carefully designed image she presents in her marketing materials. I think if it's well written with relevant content people will enjoy reading it. (I'll sign up!)

    For me, I do a monthly postcard mailing announcing any shows I'm in or just as a reminder that I'm still around. For the last seven months I've gotten a sale off of each mailing.

    I hope this helps!

  10. Leslie, just wanted you to know, the "Chris" response is really not Chris, but me, Mary Anne Cary. I don't know how to delete him (My son who helped me set up my blog)! Somehow he comes up as the sender, I need to get him back and fix that.....sorry!!!

  11. Wow! Beautiful work here..sincerely! Thank you for the comments on my blog, it prompted me to click over and check out your work and I'm glad I did. Bold, fresh knife work with rich color and feeling...what more does an artist need, really?!

  12. This is incredibly beautiful. Wow!!!

  13. I love colors!
    Where was the location for this painting?
    The buildings look somewhere in Italy.

  14. These colors are so delicious. Stunning.

  15. Hi,

    You have use a great choice of chromas to depict the sunshine on those walls.
    It's a very pleasant work to look at.

    Have a nice Easter,

