
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Balboa Island

Balboa Island, Oil 14" x 11"
My paintings seem to be coming off the easel a lot "brighter" these days. This one is not quite yet done but close ... I wanted to paint something bright and fun. We went to the Laker playoff game last night and it was so painful to watch my team play so poorly. This will hopefully cheer me up! And go Lakers!


  1. Beautiful work! I love the high key palette. Congratulations on your new sales from the newsletter ! Yipee. You rock, Leslie!

  2. I love clicking on your paintings and examining the mad knife strokes that make such a luscious result!

  3. Leslie, This certainly is fun and cheerful. Makes me happy.

  4. Liz - Thanks so much for your nice words. I am really happy with the newsletter. Guess I will do it monthly from now on!

  5. Rahina - Just call me the "mad woman with the knife"!

  6. Karen - You are very kind but YOUR paintings make me happy too! I love my apple paintings so much - paint more, please!

  7. Leslie, I clicked on the painting to see your strokes are the "mad woman with the knife"! Great job!!

  8. Dana - Last weekend I was dropping off a painting and the woman took it and said "Oh, it's the boat lady". I think I like that nickname better than the "mad woman with the knife"! Yikes!

  9. Awesomely cool! I like your street scenes.
    I tried to sign up for the newsletter before the first one went out but guess I didn't click in all the right spots. Now I'll never get to see the Inaugural Issue.

  10. This is colorful and so much fun - I can't wait to see it finished!

  11. Jill - One of the nice things about Constant Contact (sorry if I am sounding like a commercial for them ...) is that I can send the newsletter to anyone that is new to my address list and hasn't received a copy yet. So I just sent you one!

  12. Wonderful color... and always love your brushwork. You do make me miss Southern CA!

  13. Thanks Leslie, for putting me back in the loop. That is the most colorful bit of news I have ever read. Things are poppin' out in Pasadena!

  14. I think brighter is a good thing. This one has a really great composition too!
    p.s. when you fell bad, just think about my Bulls!
