
Monday, May 4, 2009

A Great Response

Waiting For Christmas, Oil 14" x 11"
I want to thank all of you for such an amazing response to my newsletter. There have been so many wonderful comments from many of you and I appreciate the wonderful feedback. The good news is ... it worked ... as I have already sold three paintings since the newsletter went out three days ago. And they are all new collectors of my art! I also know that 61% of the people I sent the newsletter to actually opened it and another 58% have gone back to look at it more than once. And please don't think I calculated these statistics ... they are readily available with the newsletter program I am using (Constant Contact)! It is still not too late to sign up for the newsletter if you are interested.
I spent some time painting this weekend once I tore myself away from my computer and finished this one yesterday. They are fun colors and I didn't even think about the red and green until after it was done!


  1. Leslie, hello, you are a wonderful artist! I liked a lot your works and thank you for stopping by my Blog and for your nice comment.

  2. Thanks Alex for stopping by! I really appreciate it.

  3. I love to visit your blog. this one has a nice bright attractive feel to it and strong colors. I do like the red/green contrast! Each composition is so unique and so tightly arranged and perfect.

  4. Your color rocks! I like your Thalo Green comment a few posts down. I sometimes have Windsor Green ready in my arsenal. Some serious stuff! Can pack a punch.

  5. Leslie!

    Damn, you always seem to handle colors so well in your paintings. Here's another example of that.

    Oh, congrats on the newsletter too! I'm glad to hear it's working out better than you imagined.


  6. It's awesome when something new gets an immediate positive response! Congratulations for the hard work that must have taken you away from your already hectic schedule. And, nice painting, as always!!

  7. Thanks for the continued info. re. the newsletter. It's wonderful to have had such a great response (and inspiring)!

  8. Congrats Leslie! That's awesome. I've been debating about a newsletter...maybe it's time. Thanks for the information.

  9. Congratulations, Leslie! What a great response and no wonder! Your work is fabulous! People just need to be invited to buy it!

  10. Hi Leslie...thanks for dropping by my blog and commenting on the tulip photos. You will love all the color if you visit that area in the future.

    I love your impressionistic style!!

