
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Eiffel Tower II

Eiffel Tower II
8" x 6", Oil on canvas panel.

I wanted to give the Eiffel another try so I used this slightly different vantage point. Gotta love those greens! And I swear, the water really did look this green!
Don't forget that I will donate 50% of all proceeds for any paintings sold this month to the Avon Breast Cancer Fund. The Avon walk is this Saturday. It is 26 miles but it shouldn't be too bad. I am on a great team of wonderful women, Speedo For the Cure, and so far our team has raised almost $60,000! Yippee!


  1. i DO believe the water is THIS green !!
    abd it is a wonderfull work !!!

  2. This is wonderful, Leslie. Love the color and great knife work.
