
Friday, September 11, 2009

Stanford Bound

"Stanford Bound"
8" x 8", Oil on canvas panel.

We are moving our oldest son into his college dorm this weekend. Technically he already left for college ... as he has been gone this entire week at a training camp in Baton Rouge (with the swim team). He flies in on Sunday and we will get him settled and then say goodbye ... It is hard to accept but we are so excited for him and I am sure he will have the experience of a lifetime.
It seemed appropriate to paint something from the Stanford campus today. This is Hoover Tower and I am sure my son will get to know this view well in no time.
Fortunately we have already had a week to get use to him being gone so I do hope that I am over the teary stage and can instead be excited for him. Wishful thinking I am afraid ...


  1. So will you frame this and let him decorate his dorm with it????

    I know you're a very proud mom... you all should be!!

  2. That's exciting and impressive, but I'm sure very sad for you guys too! I can't even imagine my kids hitting that stage - but I guess it'll be here soon enough! I've loved these recent pieces - so great to see the Eiffel Tower in your technique!

  3. Glad to see you back! And I wish you well with your son's move, can't be easy, I'm sure! I like Marian's suggestion to put this in his room!

  4. Fantastic color! Love the way you splashed the red in the palms and allow the eye to trail across the canvas from that wonderful hot pink roof. That warm shadow on the building is gorgeous. Great work!

  5. Beautiful painting, very good compo, hard to have them grow up and move. Take time to adjust. It takes a long time. :)

  6. I really like your warms and cools--you are so good at that! Beautiful little painting.

  7. Lovely painting. I hate that school. Well, I wouldn't have hated it if they hadn't turned my daughter down. Congratulations on your son getting accepted - a proud moment for you!!!
