The Everyday Life of a Working Artist


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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

12 Days of Christmas - Day Eight Giveaway

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If you haven't figured it out by now, there is a method to my madness in asking you to do certain things to be eligible for my 12 Days of Christmas giveaways. Most of them are to prepare you to get ready for 2103. By having to go back and decide on your favorite painting and blog post for this past year, I am hoping the process will lead to some good things for 2013. The same goes for having you choose your biggest marketing challenge. I am hoping the challenge you identified will be added to your goals for 2013.

The Artists Helping Artists radio show this Thursday is titled "Organizing Tips for Artists ... Getting Ready for 2013". The show is going to be REALLY GOOD and I hope you will all listen to it as it will tie in some of the things we have done for my giveaway. Click here to listen to the show (it will be broadcast at 9:00am/12:00 noon on Thursday, Dec 20th). 

The winner for the 12 Days of Christmas Day Seven giveaway is Stephanie Berry. Congrats on winning a set of 20 notecards. Email me with your address so i can send them off to you later this week.

Keeping in the AHA spirit, to be eligible for the 12 Days of Christmas 8th Day giveaway, all you need to do is make a suggestion for a topic for the AHA show. I'll be honest, coming up with show ideas is one of the hardest things I do every month. So for each suggestion you submit, you will get an extra chance at winning. Please read the entries submitted before you as I will need delete any duplicates. I can't tell you how much these ideas will help me! I will be forever grateful.

The giveaway is the most expensive one yet ... a Private Marketing Consultation. It's a pretty cool service I offer that's valued at $250.00.  If you want to learn more about what happens in one of my marketing consultations, just go here. So, start thinking about those ideas for the Artists Helping Artists shows. Post them here on my blog or either of my Facebook pages. Thanks!
Image and video hosting by TinyPic Check out my upcoming palette knife painting workshops at


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