I am. And if there was ever any doubt in my mind all I need to do is look at the 90 paintings created from the past three challenges. It's scary to think I probably would have painted twenty paintings instead of ninety if I hadn't done the Challenge. That's crazy!
I do believe the challenge isn't about the end product, aka the paintings. Instead it is about getting in your studio, developing habits of painting every day, pushing yourself to try new things and developing a painting theme for the month that you are excited about. As a bonus, you will have 30 great paintings at the end of the month. It's also fun knowing there are hundreds of other artists taking the same challenge all over the world.
Speaking of which, my intern and I created a really cool map that shows where all of the artists are located that are participating in the challenge. If you go to the website and sign up then you will also be included on the map! As you can see, we already have 50 artists signed up in the first few hours.
I hope you will consider joining the Challenge. It just might change you life. It did for me!
Check out remodel blog for our beach house in Ventura, Ca. I am teaching workshops at the beach. Come stay and paint with me! I have workshops scheduled in the next twelve months in South Pasadena, Ventura Beach, Newport Beach, Charlotte NC, Richmond Va and Atlanta Ga. Click here for more information!