The Everyday Life of a Working Artist


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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Thirty Paintings in 30 Days - Day Twenty-nine

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Salty Blues Duo
Abstract Paintings, 24" x 24" each
Click here for information.

I am pleased that I have been able to paint outside of my usual color palettethis week. In case you haven't noticed, my favorite color palette are the colors of the thirty paintings I just completed for my sea glass collection. The blues and browns in this painting really work well in this dining room. They could have been painted a bit larger but I like them in the dark frames.
Here is a closer look at the paintings:

Join me for my upcoming workshops in South Pasadena and Ventura. Click here for more information! I am also offering Online Studio painting classes every month. Join me each month as we paint boats, roosters, glass, beach scenes, umbrellas, abstracts, etc. with a palette knife. Click here to sign up.


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