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Light is a good thing. Especially when you are an artist. So when we got home last night and the electrical was completed, it finally felt as if my studio was almost done! I am thrilled with the results so far and can't wait to start "moving in". I should be able to start moving in mid-week and hope to finish my first painting in the studio sometime this week as well.

I added six overhead lights and four sets of track lighting. The track lighting will help show off the art (what a concept ...). I think I need to add a bit brighter bulb in the over head lights as too much light is not my concern. Plus I have dimmer switches to control the amount of light if necessary.

All of the glass in the windows and doors has been installed and we just need to add a few locks on the doors and windows. I bought a lock last week but forgot that the door did not open like most doors. It slides, and the lock I purchased would not have worked. Anyone could have just slid open the door and "unlocked" it. Oops ...
I am taking a two-day workshop at the end of this week with Darrell Hill in Balboa. I can't wait! I think there are a few spots left if you want to sign up. Contact Debra Huse gallery for more information at (949) 723-6171.
1 comment:
I'm drooling over here looking at these pictures. It is going to be AWESOME!! Someday. . .someday:)
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