"A Friendly Sail"
Oil, 16" x 8" on canvas panel.
$650.00 framed.
As promised, I decided it was time to paint boats again. It has been way too long and am so glad I went back to my favorite subject matter because I really like this one. I like the format (tall and skinny) and also the colors. Maybe I will paint boats again tomorrow ...
I do have quite a few entries for competitions to paint. Most are landscapes, i.e. city scenes. I will be doing a few Stanford and Palo Alto paintings in the next week so stay posted!
Leslie... i am thinking that this is the best painting i have seen of yours yet!!!!! The colors, the composition,the reflection, the drama of it yet the calming of the water in the foreground... there is a new strength that i feel coming out of you (any comments?)...love the new size too!!! HURRAY!!!
Thanks Julie! I am really happy with it. Sometimes they just all come together! I am not sure where the "new strength" came from ... probably taking a few weeks off!
WOW to this one.
I love them all but this is my favorit.
The colors, the reflection, the size, a very nice package.
Thanks Irit! I agree, the colors really do work. It is fun to get lucky every once in a while.
It seems to be unanimous...this is a real winner on every level...nice, Leslie!
This is such a beauty, love the reflections. Size is really appropriate for slender boats. looks greeat!
This is a really nice painting. Love the vertical format. I have been doing a few of those myself lately and love it.
I think this one has a really presence to it...something about the way you handled the background maybe? There is a great separation of space, and the masts seem so powerfully put down.
You go girl! This is a beauty--it's amazing what you do with a palette knife! This one has some drama happening along with all the other good stuff..:)
This is terrific Leslie - the colours and that gorgeous shape. Lovely.
Wow, what a striking painting. It's so commanding and strong. love it
This is just wonderful. And the loooooong skinny canvas really suits the subject matter of those tall sails. Lovely, Leslie!
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