Things happen in life that are hard to understand. We look for answers and explanations but some things just don't make sense. Yesterday's events left most of us in disbelief and numb. I can't even fathom what those families are going through and my heart is absolutely broken.
I seriously considered canceling my 12 Days promotion. It just didn't seem right. But I want to continue my giveaways because I really want to thank all of you for supporting me and believing that artists helping artists is something we all want to do.
Yesterday's photos of your art studios and painting shots were wonderful. It was nice to be able to see where so many of your amazing paintings are created. If you haven't seen the posts, be sure to go back to yesterday's blog and check out the more than 60 wonderful pictures. There are photos of great studios and beautiful plein air painting shots.
The winner of the Day 2 Giveaway panel holder is Rebekah Sisk. Congrats! Be sure to email me with your mailing address.
I've decided to step it up a bit so today's giveaway is a free month long webinARTs course.
The winner gets to choose either the January Marketing 101 course or the March Advanced Marketing 102 course. The giveaway is valued at $179.00. If you don't know about the course, it's an on-line 20-day course that shows artists exactly how to build a better website, blog, newsletter and sell art on Facebook. The September class had over 120 artists and I am so impressed with the amazing websites, blogs, newsletter and Facebook Pages that were created by the students!
To be eligible for the Day Three Giveaway all you need to do is leave a comment here (or on my Facebook pages) telling us about an artist that you admire. Perhaps you love this artist's art, teaching style or daily blog posts. Just let us know. And be sure to include a link to their website so we can learn more.
Finally, hug somebody today. We all need more hugs.
Hugs to you too! Two artists I admire and come to mind are 1) Danni Dawson for her amazing amount of knowledge and generosity in teaching and 2) Susan Abbott for her amazing use of color in her watercolors and I love taking her workshops and how she interweaves lectures with exercises
The artist that taught several of my favorite artists is David Leffel.
Starr Miller has helped me so much & I'm so proud to say she is now one of my best friends. Check out her beautiful pastel at
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