"Double reflections"
Oil, 12" x 12"
Click here to purchase.
I have been in Park City Utah for a couple of days enjoying the incredible scenery and watching my son;t college volleyball team play in the MPSF Championships. I think this city is beautiful 24/7. With or without snow, there is a view to paint no matter where you turn.
May is almost upon is and it's going to be a really busy one for me. I am kicking off the "30 Marketing Ideas in 30 Days" Challenge which you can scroll down in this blog and see where you can sign up. It's going to be motivating, fun and easy. If you miss a day, it's no big deal. It's more important that you can participate, learn and promote your art. Does it get any better than that?

Of course I need to find time to paint in May. I have two workshops so know I will be teaching a demo and painting which is wonderful. But I have to make the time for painting or else given my schedule as mentioned above, I will be at the computer all day and all night. Hmmm. If you don't see any paintings posted here during the month of May then you have my permission to yell and scream at me. Because really, that's what it is all about. Painting.
Check out my upcoming palette knife painting workshops at http://www.saetastudio.com/Leslie_Saeta_fine_Art/