The Everyday Life of a Working Artist


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Thursday, October 8, 2009

You Too Can be a Famous Artist!

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"Must Be A Sunday"
Oil, 10" x 8" on canvas panel
$350 unframed.

Today's post will address how important it is to have a website for your art.

I was driving out to the Women Painters Luncheon today and had a lovely conversation on the phone with my younger sister. (She lives in Virginia and we don't get to spend enough time together!) She shared with me a very adorable story. Her daughter, Erin (age 11) has to do a report on a "famous artist" and apparently she has selected me as her subject. Now, I know my newly developed art career is going well, but I do not think that I can be considered "famous" in the art world ... or even her middle school art class! Of course, when Erin explained to her teacher that she wanted to use me as her subject for the "famous artist" report, her teacher questioned just how famous I was. So naturally ... my niece insisted that they take a look at my website.

They pulled up my site (right there in the classroom) and ... her teacher decided my art looked good and approved the selection! Yippee!

Of course now I need to come up with some good research material about my "famous" art career. Hmmm ...

You might recall that Erin's art was featured on my blog back in August as I spent an afternoon painting with my nieces and nephew while we were at our family reunion. Go to to see their adorable art!


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