"Fair Oaks Pharmacy"
Featured in my "Headlines" Show
Oil, 8" x 16" framed, $950.00
About ten months ago I received an email from an artist, Dreama Tolle Perry, in Paris, Kentucky. Her email asked permission to use some of my paintings for an exercise in one of her workshops. I said of course ... and then went to her blog and website and discovered her incredible talent and gift as an artist. Over the months we began to communicate more regularly. Every few weeks we would email. Then we began to talk occasionally on the phone. Then we started emailing and sharing art marketing ideas and communicating more frequently. Now we instant message every day, talk at least every other day and brainstorm and collaborate on idea after idea after idea. We use each other as a sounding board and for motivation and now share a talk radio show. We have so many plans and ideas for the future that we will be busy forever! Dreama makes me laugh and in fact on two occasions she has made me cry (from laughing so hard!).
Today, I finally got to meet my new best friend in person. Dreama and her wonderful husband were in Southern California visiting family and we spent the day together. It was amazing. It was so wonderful to finally be able to hug her and just sit and laugh and talk ... and brainstorm. It felt as if we had known each other for twenty years.
Another wonderful artist, Julie Hill, joined us for lunch. I met Julie from blogging and we shortly figured out that we lived seven houses apart from each other. How amazing is that? I am spoiled as I get to see Julie all of the time.
If you are not familiar with Dreama and Julie's art, please check it out. And take some time to really get to know your blogging friends.
Finally, here's the small print ... the Lakers did REALLY well tonight. They beat Oklahoma by 25 points. So all of my paintings on my website are 25% off until the next game. Unfortunately only paintings on my website are included (not those currently showing at a gallery), Happy shopping. Don't miss out!