The Everyday Life of a Working Artist


Attention! My blog is moving to my website in early January 2016. If you are receiving daily emails about this blog you will continue to receive them after the switch. Until then, you might want to head on over to my new blog here!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Trying Something Different ...

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So, I was given a tip yesterday that advertising on Facebook might make sense. Cory Huff from The Abundant Artist suggested it and I decided to give it a try. If I can reach 100,000 people and spend $5.00 a day why not? So I came up with a fun ad (you can see it above - just look for the sailboat painting on the right). And it appears to be working ...
Once again sorry there is no new artwork to post. I am just too busy painting for my upcoming "Headlines" show which opens on April 28th!
And finally, if you missed my Blog Talk Radio Show this morning titled artists Helping Artists" you can listen to it here.


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